Monday, February 8, 2010

Creative Writing #1

We looked at photographs of people coming out from New York subway turnstiles. These people were all doing different things and they all looked really different. They had really expressive facial expressions and many were carrying things. We had to create a story for the person that we chose that either took place before or after they went through that turnstile. I chose to write a story for where this person was headed. They were wearing a Jean Jacket and Jeans and I decided to write mostly about that:

"This guy is headed to a bad fashion convention. They are having a contest for worst fashion mistake. He's going to win because he's wearing a jean jacket & jeans. He is and has been getting laughed at by all people that he has come into contact with. The only people that haven't been laughing are the other people who are going to the convention, some of which are also walking through the turnstiles. His name is Brad Johnson. He attended Stanford University. He loves science and striking a pose. He dropped out of the university because someone made fun of his overalls. He vowed that he would make full jean outfits and overalls "IN" again. His task would not be easy."

1 comment:

  1. I think your guy was too sensitive to his fellow students at Harvard University, if he is smart enough to get himself educated at Harvard, then he should know better than to let people think for him. I like the creativity you used in this creative write :)
