Monday, February 8, 2010

Creative Writing #2

We were looking at the photography of Jan Von Holleven. We came across a photo of a boy riding a dog and wearing a turban. He had to write a short story about him and his dog that had only two requirements. The dog must be named Barder and the turban must allow the boy and the dog to fly. With these requirements, I wrote this:

Barder is a special dog. He's got intense love for his buddy Jake. Jake has a magical turban that allows him to fly. I know, you might think that's insane... but it's the true. You don't need anything other than a pair of good eyes to see the flying dog and Jake. They are extremely capable superheroes who are devoted to saving the world.

Dogs are man's best friend. They love us (and women) with all of their hearts. Barder is a superdog, so he has two hearts; twice the love. Jake met him when he was just a puppy, and they've been inseparable ever since. They take baths together, eat the same meals, and they EVEN SIT NEXT TO EACH OTHER IN CLASS. It is this dynamic superduo that protects us from harm. I first saw their heroic actions when they stopped a terrorist attack in downtown San Diego. 43 men in hoods took control of Petco Park during a packed Padres game. They were armed with guns and suicide vests. They were anti-Obama terrorists that were part of a cult. They had found out that Obama had come down to San Diego hoping to see his Cubs defeat the Padres. All he saw were men seeking to kill him. They look the President hostage and trapped everyone inside the Ball Park.

"We'll never let your healthcare reform and socialist agenda go through, NOBAMA!" said a terrorist as his gun was pressed to the President's head. The Secret Service agents had already been killed.

A fierce howl shook the Ball park. Barder had arrived. He flew down with Jake on his back. Jake was an excellent sniper. He had served in Iraq as a Marine Sniper. He fought in Falluja. Some people say that he was born holding a rifle. He took aim and rained down devastation on his terrible foes. They were dispatched. Jake jumped down to make sure that Obama was unhurt while Barder went around the Ball Park disarming the dead terrorists' bombs.

The mission was successful.

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